
The Ohio Medical Marijuana List of Qualifying Conditions in 2024

Medical content reviewed by Dr. Shatha Atiya on March 1, 2024

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Getting a medical marijuana card in Ohio is easy if you are a resident with a qualifying medical condition.

By the end of this page, you will have the answers to these questions:

  • What illnesses are on the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in Ohio?
  • What are the Ohio medical marijuana card requirements?
  • Do I qualify for medical marijuana in Ohio?

All the information on this page is sourced directly from the official Division of Cannabis Control website. So you can trust that you are reading an accurate and up-to-date resource. Let’s proceed.

Qualifying Conditions for a Medical Card in Ohio [2024]

The following illnesses are the qualifying conditions for an Ohio medical marijuana card in 2024:

In addition, conditions such as arthritis, chronic migraines, and complex regional pain syndrome also qualify for cannabis treatment. Despite not being featured on the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions, the State Medical Board, on February 2021, determined that they are covered under chronic pain.

There’s a chance that the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions could grow in the summer of 2023. Ohioans submitted ten (10) petitions to add new qualifying conditions during the 2022 petition window. Below is a list of conditions awaiting a vote from the Medical Board’s Medical Marijuana Committee:

  • Anxiety
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Bipolar 2: Depression/ Anxiety
  • Chronic migraine
  • DDD, Neuropathy, Depression
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Uterine cancer

How Many Medical Conditions in Ohio are Approved to be Treated with Medical Marijuana?

Currently, the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions consists of 25 illnesses. But the list could expand even further.

Residents submitted ten petitions to the State Medical Board of Ohio to add more qualifying conditions. And with the final vote coming up in the summer of 2023, we could see the list grow.

Qualifications for Medical Marijuana in Ohio

You may be eligible for medical marijuana in Ohio if you meet the qualifications below.

1. You must be a resident of Ohio.

2. Patients below 18 years must get the consent of their legal guardian to receive cannabis treatment. Additionally, their legal guardian must serve as their caregiver.

3. You must establish and maintain a bona fide relationship with a medical marijuana doctor in Ohio.

4. Your Ohio MMJ doctor must confirm that you ail from one of the qualifying conditions for a medical card.

What is a bona fide physician-patient relationship?

You establish a bona fide relationship with your physician when they provide you with ongoing service to address your medical needs. Quick Med Cards makes it easy for you to have a bona fide relationship with a medical marijuana doctor in Ohio. And you don’t even need to leave your home. Our Ohio MMJ doctors are just a click away!

Ohio Medical Marijuana Card Requirements

The following requirements are necessary to get your Ohio medical marijuana card:

  • As of March 4, 2024, the registry fee has dropped from $50 to $0.01. This is in an effort to fully eliminate the registry fee in the future.

  • Attend an in-person or telemedicine visit with a certified physician at least once a year.

  • Provide proof of Ohio residency. For example, your Ohio driver’s license or an Ohio ID card issued by the BMV.

How to Get Your Medical Card if You Qualify for Medical Marijuana in Ohio

Are you a resident of Ohio? Are you seeking relief from an illness on the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions? If yes, then you do not need to wait any longer.

Getting a medical marijuana card in Ohio is effortless, especially with Quick Med Cards. It only takes a few steps, and you can even do it from your phone. Get started by following the instructions below.

1. Schedule an appointment with one of our Ohio medical marijuana doctors.

2. Attend your consultation via video call.

3. If the doctor approves, they will create a patient registry profile for you.

4. Our Ohio MMJ doctor will then upload your certification to your registry account.

5. Access your email and open the message from the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program. Next, log in to your profile.

6. Complete your application and pay for your medical marijuana card.

7. Download your Ohio medical card. Now you can get medical marijuana from any dispensary in OH.

Who Needs a Medical Card in Ohio?

Are you wondering whether getting an Ohio medical marijuana card is right for you? Then the questions below may give you some clarity.

  • Are you a resident of Ohio affected by any of the 25 qualifying conditions for a medical card?
  • Have you attempted to treat your chronic illness with over-the-counter medication or CBD products without success?
  • Are you looking for a natural alternative to prescribed medication with fewer side effects?
  • Do you need access to safe, medical-grade marijuana to treat your illness?
  • Would you like to get the most from your cannabis regimen by having an expert and compassionate MMJ doctor monitor and recommend effective treatments?

Did you answer yes to any questions above? Then a medical card could positively impact your health and quality of life.

Key Takeaways

  • Ohio residency and a diagnosis with a qualifying condition are necessary for a medical marijuana card.
  • There are currently 21 illnesses on the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions.
  • The Ohio medical marijuana card registry fee costs $0.01.
  • You can get your marijuana certification online over a video call, thanks to telemedicine.

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Common Questions About the Ohio Medical Marijuana List of Conditions [2024]

Below are the answers to common questions patients have about the requirements and qualifying conditions for a medical card in Ohio.

Can anyone get a medical marijuana card in Ohio?

Anyone can get a medical marijuana card in Ohio if they meet the requirements.

For instance, one must be a resident of Ohio. There is also no age limit for medical marijuana in OH. But a legal guardian must consent to your medical marijuana treatment if you are below 18 years old. 

Do I qualify for a medical card in Ohio?

To qualify for a medical card in Ohio, you must meet the basic requirements for medical marijuana.

You must be a resident of Ohio, and have a bona fide physician-patient relationship with a cannabis doctor in Ohio. Most importantly, your physician must confirm that you ail from a qualifying condition. Finally, if you are a minor, your legal guardian must consent to medical marijuana treatment.

    Can any doctor in Ohio prescribe marijuana?

    Only doctors with a Certificate to Recommend (CTR) from the State Medical Board of Ohio can recommend medical marijuana.

    To have a CTR, a physician must have an active, unrestricted MD or DO license. Moreover, doctors with a CTR have completed education on how to treat qualifying conditions with cannabis. These requirements are in place to ensure that only qualified and knowledgeable healthcare professionals can recommend MMJ in Ohio.

    How do I get a medical card without medical records in Ohio?

    Submitting your medical records is not a requirement for medical marijuana in Ohio. But uploading your medical records speeds up the evaluation process.

    Also, your medical records enable our physician to create a cannabis regimen that will be the most effective for your situation. Medical records could include existing prescriptions to treat your condition or your doctor’s notes. Find out how to get your medical records and upload them to your Quick Med Cards account.

    Can I go to a dispensary without a card in Ohio?

    No. You must provide your medical marijuana card and government-issued ID before you can buy cannabis.

    Ohio dispensaries require these documents as part of their medical marijuana requirements. Also, minor patients cannot purchase medical marijuana. That is the responsibility of their caregiver.

    What illness qualifies for medical marijuana in Ohio in 2024?

    Medical marijuana is accessible to residents of Ohio with certain diseases. And the illnesses on the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions are continuously updated. Today, there are 25 qualifying conditions for a medical card in Ohio.

    For example, AIDS, ALS, cachexia, cancer, chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, MS, PTSD, and spasticity. And the list could get even longer. The State Medical Board of Ohio will vote on petitions from residents to add more qualifying conditions this summer.

    Can you get a medical card for chronic pain in Ohio?

    Yes. Ohio offers medical marijuana as a valid treatment option for individuals dealing with chronic pain.

    So, Ohio residents coping with the daily toll of persistent pain can get the help they need by obtaining a medical card. It is worth noting chronic pain encompasses arthritis, chronic migraines, and complex regional pain syndrome under the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions.

    What qualifies as chronic pain in Ohio?

    Ohio medical marijuana laws define chronic pain as pain that has not been adequately relieved through medical intervention for longer than three (3) months.

    Also, arthritis, chronic migraines, and complex regional pain syndrome qualify as chronic pain in Ohio.

    Do migraines qualify for medical marijuana in Ohio?

    Yes, you can get medical marijuana for chronic migraines in Ohio. Although the Ohio medical marijuana list of conditions does not specify migraines, Ohioans don’t have to worry.

    On February 2021, the State Medical Board of Ohio resolved that chronic migraines qualify for MMJ under chronic pain. So, residents suffering from migraine headaches now have access to medical marijuana and the relief it can provide.

    Can you get a medical card for arthritis in Ohio?

    Yes. You can get a medical card for arthritis in Ohio. Although it does not appear on the Ohio list of conditions, it is considered chronic or intractable pain.

    So, patients with arthritis can get medicinal cannabis as part of their treatment. The same goes for chronic migraines and complex regional pain syndrome, as determined by the State Medical Board of Ohio in February 2021.

    Does insomnia qualify for medical marijuana in Ohio?

    Insomnia does not qualify for cannabis treatment in Ohio. And it doesn’t seem like it will feature on the medical marijuana list of conditions anytime soon.

    Insomnia is not among the potential new qualifying conditions delivered to the State Medical Board for approval this summer via petitions. As it looks, residents of Ohio battling insomnia will have to wait a little longer.

    Does anxiety qualify for a medical marijuana card in Ohio?

    Anxiety is not among the qualifying conditions for a medical marijuana card. But that may change soon.

    The Ohio State Medical Board is currently considering ten (10) petitions advocating for the addition of new qualifying conditions. And anxiety features among the petitions. Should the Board approve it, residents of Ohio will be able to get relief through medicinal cannabis.

    Patient Resources and Forms

    How to Contact the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program (OMMCP)

    State Agency: The Ohio Department of Commerce, The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy & The State Medical Board of Ohio

    Phone: 1-833-4OH-MMCP (1-833-464-6627) Toll-free Helpline

    Email: MMCPRegistry@pharmacy.ohio.gov

    Mailing Address: 

    State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy

    MMCP Registry Department

    c/o Mail Services

    30 E. Broad St., B-1

    Columbus, OH 43215

    Contact Form:  https://medicalmarijuana.ohio.gov/contactus

    Website: https://medicalmarijuana.ohio.gov/